Hesiod Cosmogony
Eternal knowledge or just a poem?
Below are the first verses of Hesiod's cosmogony.
"First of all, Chaos (The Void), next broad-bosomed Gaia (Space), the solid and eternal home of all, and Eros (Desire-Magnetism), the most beautiful of the immortal gods, who in every man and every god softens the sinews and overpowers the prudent purpose of the mind. Out of Chaos came Erevos (Dark Matter) and Black Nyx (Black Night), and out of Night came Aither (Cosmic Radiance) and Hemera (Day-Light), her children conceived after union in love with Erevos (Dark Matter). Gaia-broad(Space) first produced Uranus (Starry Sky/Matter), equal in size with herself, to cover her on all sides. Next she produced the tall mountains, the pleasant haunts of the gods, and also gave birth to the barren waters, sea with its raging surges-all this without the passion of love. Thereafter she lay with Sky and gave birth to Ocean with its deep current. Coeus and Crius and Hyperion and Iapetus; Thea and Rhea and Themia [Law] and Mnemosyne [Memory]; also golden-crowned Phoebe and lovely Tethys. After these came cunning Cronus(Time), the youngest and boldest of her children; and he grew to hate the father who had begotten him."So, at first according to Hesiod we have Chaos the void. And then Gaia the broad which represents Space.
Afterwards, came Eros the force that resembles magnetism, the force that binds everything together.
To follow was Erevos which is the Darkness(Dark Matter) and Black Nyx the Black Night.
Black Night and Erevos united through Eros and created , Day-light (hemera) and Cosmic Radiance(Aither).
Gaia-broad (Space) gave birth to the Starry Sky(Matter) which is equal to her in size so that he can cover her from any given point.
And last came Kronos (time) from the Sky (the creator of all living things); Kronos the one who hates his father and fights him. Representing the eternal fight between matter and time, which brings age and death.
Now, let us examine the current Big Bang theory, which is the prevailing theory of our civilization.
In the beginning there was Void (Chaos), which contained according to scientists space, time and every single forces.
Note Eros's nickname by Hesiod, ekriksigenis=the blowing up one(bang).
Big Bang theory is like a Balloon that fills up constantly.
Now, then came Space (Gaia-broad), in the first miliseconds of Space, everything was concentrated in Dark Matter (Erevos).
Afterwards, quarks started being created in a form that resembles Black Nyx (Black Night), since Light was non-existant, yet.
With the fusion of quarks the first cosmic radiance appeared (Aither) and this cosmic radiance created Light (Hemera).
Cooling of from the expansion of Space(Gaia broad), the quarks created the Matter, the Starry Sky(Uranus), the creator of all living things.
As soon as Matter was created, time (Kronos) started counting against his father(Uranus=matter).
So, dear Readers? Is Hesiod's Cosmogony just another poem?
In our next session we shall examine the definition of "Chaos" and "Poem".
Thank you for reading.
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